Development guide
VinDr Lab benefits from the works of many excellent opensource projects. If you have any improvements related to the upstream projects, please contribute these changes to the upstreams' offical repositories.
This development guide only apply to works made by VinDr Lab Team and is specific to the logic of VinDr Lab.
Contribution guideline
If you have any idea that might improve VinDr Lab, feel free to make a feature request in the repo vinlab-frontend.
If you have any feature implementation, bug fixing, or any code that improve a part of VinDr Lab , please making pull request to the associate repos. It is more that welcome if those pieces of code are documented and tested.
VinDr Lab is composed by multiple microservices. The deployment of those services can vary according to the use case. VinDr Lab Team provides some recipes to quickly deploy VinDr Lab in a repository named recipes.
vinlab-frontend: The code for UI, mainly derived from OHIF.
- vinlab-api: A REST API service writen in Go, handles all the logic under the vinlab excepts the DICOM uploading.
- vinlab-uploader: A REST API service handles the DICOM uploading. This service is writen in Python to utitlize the excellent PyDicom, a Dicom manipulation library.
- id-generator: A service that generates id for vinlab objects.
- Orthanc : Used as the DICOM storage.
- Elasticsearch: Used as the primary storage service storing all objects defined by VinDr Lab.
- Redis: Providing the locking mechanism.
- rqlite: Small database service shipped with id-generator.
User management
- Keycloak: Keycloak is used as a Identity Access Management service, providing the authentication and access control. Keycloak must be initialized with predefinded user roles and rules.